I want to add a score to the top of my scene in the game I am working on. The score is going to based on how long you last, and will increase every second. Thanks for the help in advance!
import SpriteKit
class easyScene: SKScene {
let scrollBarEasyBottom = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "scrollBarEasyBottom")
let scrollBarEasyTop = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "scrollBarEasyTop")
let ball = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "ball")
var origSBEBpositionX = CGFloat(0)
var origSBETpositionX = CGFloat(0)
var maxSBEBX = CGFloat(0)
var SBEBSpeed = 5
var maxSBETX = CGFloat(0)
var SBETSpeed = 5
var score = 0
var timer: NSTimer?
var scoreText = SKLabelNode(fontNamed: "Kailasa")
override func didMoveToView(view: SKView) {
println("Easy Scene is the location")
self.backgroundColor = UIColor.blackColor()
self.scrollBarEasyBottom.position = CGPoint(x:0, y:270)
self.scrollBarEasyBottom.yScale = 0.2
self.origSBEBpositionX = self.scrollBarEasyBottom.position.x
// end scrollBarEasyBottom
self.scrollBarEasyTop.position = CGPoint(x:20, y:400)
self.scrollBarEasyTop.yScale = 0.2
self.origSBETpositionX = self.scrollBarEasyTop.position.x
// end scrollBarEasyTop
self.ball.position = CGPoint(x:40, y:293)
self.ball.yScale = 0.17
self.ball.xScale = 0.17
// end ball
self.maxSBEBX = self.scrollBarEasyBottom.size.width - self.frame.size.width
self.maxSBEBX *= -1
self.maxSBETX = self.scrollBarEasyTop.size.width - self.frame.size.width
self.maxSBETX *= -1
self.scoreText.text = "0"
self.scoreText.fontSize = 60
self.scoreText.position = CGPoint(x: CGRectGetMidX(self.frame), y: 500)
self.scoreText.text = String(self.score)
timer = NSTimer.scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval(1, target: self, selector: Selector("scoreIncrease") , userInfo: nil, repeats: true)
func scoreIncrease (){
override func update(currentTime: NSTimeInterval) {
if self.scrollBarEasyBottom.position.x <= maxSBEBX + 1200 {
self.scrollBarEasyBottom.position.x = self.origSBEBpositionX
if self.scrollBarEasyTop.position.x <= maxSBETX + 1200 {
self.scrollBarEasyTop.position.x = self.origSBETpositionX
scrollBarEasyBottom.position.x -= CGFloat(self.SBEBSpeed)
scrollBarEasyTop.position.x -= CGFloat(self.SBETSpeed)
// moving bars
var degreeRotation = CDouble(self.SBEBSpeed) * M_PI / 180
self.ball.zRotation -= CGFloat(degreeRotation)
//rotate ball
After running this code, I always get an
unrecognized selector sent to instance error
You can use one like this:
var timer = NSTimer()
override func viewDidLoad() {
func scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval(){
// Scheduling timer to Call the function "updateCounting" with the interval of 1 seconds
timer = NSTimer.scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval(1, target: self, selector: Selector("updateCounting"), userInfo: nil, repeats: true)
func updateCounting(){
Swift 3:
var timer = Timer()
override func viewDidLoad() { // Use for the app's interface
override func didMove(to view: SKView) { // As part of a game
func scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval(){
// Scheduling timer to Call the function "updateCounting" with the interval of 1 seconds
timer = Timer.scheduledTimer(timeInterval: 1, target: self, selector: #selector(self.updateCounting), userInfo: nil, repeats: true)
@objc func updateCounting(){