I am modifying an app that discovers a device via Bluetooth BLE in order to plot the values into a graph. It all works fine (thanks to the help of one of you in the past week). The app was initially written by my husband a while ago and during the discovery of the device, he was using checking code like :
NSLog(@" Failed to Connect to Peripheral : %@ with UUID: %@ ", peripheral, peripheral.UUID);
NSLog(@" Connected to Peripheral : %@ with UUID: %@ ", peripheral, peripheral.UUID);
In front of each of these lines (and some more) I get the warning messages that UUID is deprecated: first deprecated in ios 7.0 Since quite a while, I try to find out by what it has been replaced, but on Google, it doesn't look like other people have the same problem and when I go to the Apple Documentation : here
there is no mention of it being deprecated.
I don't understand...
Could somebody please help ? Thanks
This is what I get on my computer on the console
I have double checked and the UUID property on CBPeer is also deprecated.
From the docs in Xcode I found -
Deprecation Statement
Use the identifier property instead.
And if you use peripheral.identifier.UUIDString
you don't get a deprecation warning.