Converting iPhone xib to iPad xib?

NextRev picture NextRev · Mar 21, 2010 · Viewed 50k times · Source

How do you do it? I saw one video tutorial on it, but the screen was too small. Also, other than changing the view size, are there any other major changes I would have to make to my iphone apps to convert to iPad?


Jag picture Jag · Oct 18, 2011

I was able to narrow it down to a few things, so here are the steps that worked for me:

1) Make a copy of the iPhone xib file and add it to your project

2) Right click the file (in xcode) and Open As > Source Code

3) The 2nd line should look like:

<archive type="" version="7.10">

Replace with:

<archive type="" version="7.10">

4) Search for "IBCocoaTouchFramework" and Replace all occurrences with "IBIPadFramework"

5) Save the file and Open As > Interface Builder - iOS

The file might still look like a regular iPhone xib, but for me, once I changed the Status Bar to "Black" in the Attributes inspector the rest of the xib just kind of "snapped" into an iPad xib