Existing iOS form framework

William Entriken picture William Entriken · Nov 25, 2012 · Viewed 11.7k times · Source

Hello I am building forms over and over in iPhone and iPad apps:

  • Custom UITableViewCells for labels with input
  • Localization for labels, placeholder text and section headers
  • Validation that marks the cells red or something and does not allow "Submit" if form is incomplete
  • Clicking in the cell activates the editable text box
  • Next / previous buttons
  • Reliable across devices, orientations, iOS versions

I can't imagine I'm the only one doing this. Is there a mature framework or something that can drop in and use? Could you please comment on how you use this library with designs other than vanilla UITableViews with your own colors etc.?


Jasper Blues picture Jasper Blues · Jan 20, 2013

Take a look at IBAForms - an open source project from from Itty Bitty Apps. I haven't used it yet myself, however I believe it does most of what you want, except for validation. Here is the github page: IBA Forms

It hasn't been maintained in a while, but if you're looking for a forms library - it's mature and works. At the very least, it could be the starting point for something you take further.

  • Update: There is also Chris Miles' EZForm library, which is very nice.

  • Update #2: Have also started checking out QuickDialog, which seems to be very popular.

  • Update #3: Nick Lockwood has created one called FXForms

  • Update #4: Martin Barreto has created one called XLForm