"GPUImage.h" not found

Mrwolfy picture Mrwolfy · Aug 24, 2012 · Viewed 10.6k times · Source

I am trying to set up GPUImage in a project but I am not able to track down why I'm getting the error: "GPUImage.h" not found. I have added the framework, setup the target dependency, added the Header Search path as: framework, and added other linker flag -ObjC. Still no luck. I have included my super simple test project here and linked below if anyone wants to take a look.

I know this must be documented and basic, but I searched on GitHub but did not find reference to this particular issue.

Thanks for reading.



David H picture David H · Aug 24, 2012

Your path has to be relative to the actual directory location relative to the project file. If you change it to this:


then it will work just fine.