UITextField lose focus event

Alexi Groove picture Alexi Groove · Jul 15, 2009 · Viewed 37.7k times · Source

I have an UITextField in a MyCustomUIView class and when the UITextField loses focus, I'd like to hide the field and show something else in place.

The delegate for the UITextField is set to MyCustomUIView via IB and I also have 'Did End On Exit' and 'Editing Did End' events pointing to an IBAction method within MyCustomUIView.

@interface MyCustomUIView : UIView { 

IBOutlet UITextField    *myTextField;


-(IBAction)textFieldLostFocus:(UITextField *)textField;


However, neither of these events seem to get fired when the UITextField loses focus. How do you trap/look for this event?

The delegate for the UITextField is set as MyCustomUIView so I am receiving textFieldShouldReturn message to dismiss the keyboard when done.

But what I'm also interested in is figuring when the user presses some other area on the screen (say another control or just blank area) and the text field has lost focus.


user3681049 picture user3681049 · May 28, 2014

Try using delegate for the following method:

- (BOOL) textFieldShouldEndEditing:(UITextField *)textField {
    NSLog(@"Lost Focus for content: %@", textField.text);
    return YES;

That worked for me.