The iOS Simulator application presents the iPhone or iPad user interface in a window on the computer to emulate iPhone or iPad devices.
How is possible to find quickly the document folder (in the mac) of an App when I'm using the simulator? …
ios xcode ios-simulator nsfilemanagerI'm building an app and I need to use an input text. The problem comes when you tap on this …
keyboard react-native ios-simulatorWhen I try to launch an iOS Simulator from Xcode 9, the following error pops up:
ios ios-simulator ios10 xcode9I keep getting this error when launching my app on the iOS Simulator: Couldn't register com.mycompany.MyApp with the …
ios xcode ios-simulator bootstrappingWhen I open up the new Xcode 9 and go to Preferences > Components I don't see an option to download …
xcode ios-simulator ios11 xcode9-beta xcode9I want to see what happens to my application if it is interrupted by a phone call or text message. …
iphone testing ios-simulator interruptI am taking screenshots from my iOS Simulator and trying to put them into iTunes Connect but it continues to …
ios-simulator app-store-connect xcode7First time I launch the app, everything seems to run fine. I'll hit the stop button, do some work and …
ios xcode crash ios-simulator sigabrtAny sample code that would show me how to, in my iPhone application code: How to detect if the application …
ios iphone ios-simulator eventkit test-dataI'm trying to run my iOS app that was migrated from Swift 1.2 to Swift 2.0 in Xcode 7 using iPhone Simulator (any), …
ios xcode ios-simulator swift2 xcode7