Top "Ioexception" questions

IOException is the general class of exceptions produced by failed or interrupted input/output operations in several languages, including Java and C#.

Catching java exceptions FileNotFound and IOException at the same time

Is the FileNotFoundException somehow a "sub-exception" of the IOException? This is my code opening an input stream to a file …

java ioexception filenotfoundexception
hadoop while running namenode -format

I ran namenode -format.This is my output. I tried changing the file permissions chmod 777 hadoop. I believe this line …

hadoop directory ioexception java-io
How to check if IOException is Not-Enough-Disk-Space-Exception type?

How can I check if IOException is a "Not enough disk space" exception type? At the moment I check to …

c# .net exception-handling ioexception diskspace
How can I handle an IOException which I know can never be thrown, in a safe and readable manner?

"The major difference between a thing that might go wrong and a thing that cannot possibly go wrong is that …

java exception exception-handling ioexception open failed: einval (Invalid argument) when saving a image to external storage

This is my code: private boolean writeToSD(Bitmap bm, String url) { if (canIWriteOnSD()) { File sd = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory(); File dest = new …

android file-io ioexception SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE in GCM Client

I want to implement an gcm client into an existing android app. So, by following this tutorial I wrote following …

android google-cloud-messaging ioexception service-not-available
How do I close a file after catching an IOException in java?

All, I am trying to ensure that a file I have open with BufferedReader is closed when I catch an …

java exception-handling try-catch ioexception bufferedreader
Error writing to server

I am uploading a file from one server to another server using a Java Program 'POST' method. But I am …

java post file-upload ioexception
what is invalid header field?

When i try to run the following command : jar cvfm myjar.jar manifest.txt *.class I get the following exceptions : …

java exception ioexception
Attempted to read past end of the stream error in MySQL

I'm running into a problem with MySQL where I have the following error. MySqlClient.MySqlException: Fatal error encountered during command …

.net mysql ioexception connector