Top "Ioexception" questions

IOException is the general class of exceptions produced by failed or interrupted input/output operations in several languages, including Java and C#.

I/O exception error when using

FINAL UPDATE It was our firmware the whole time. Embarrassing to a degree, but I'm happy we can move forward …

c# winapi serial-port ioexception baud-rate
javax.activation.UnsupportedDataTypeException: no object DCH for MIME type multipart/mixed; boundary

Currently I'm inline of writing a code that will be listening to a directory. when the directory is updated with .…

java email jakarta-mail ioexception jnotify for valid URL

I use library to fetch RSS. Code is URL feedUrl = new URL("…

java url rss ioexception rome
Force IOException during file reading

I have a piece of code that reads data from a file. I want to force IOException in this code …

java junit ioexception : No authentication challenges found

I am newbie to android and this is my first project on android. I am struggling with "authentication" problem for …

java android authentication httpurlconnection ioexception
Exception codes, or detecting a "file already exists" type exception

In trying to answer this question, I was surprised to discover that attempting to create a new file when that …

c# exception ioexception The system cannot find the path specified writing a textfile

I'm writing a program where I'm trying to create a new text file in the current directory, and then write …

java text-files ioexception
Connection was forcibly closed by the remote host

I have a java.nio.channels.SocketChannel in my jSCSI implamantation that is disconnecting when I try to open a …

java sockets ioexception socketchannel
IOException - Access Denied Using FileOutputStream

I get the following IOException : Access is denied at Method) at java.…

java ioexception access-denied