Top "Io-completion-ports" questions

Input/Output Completion Port (I/O Completion Ports, or IOCP) is an API for performing multiple simultaneous asynchronous input/output operations in Windows, AIX and Solaris.

What's the difference between epoll, poll, threadpool?

Could someone explain what the difference is between epoll, poll and threadpool? What are the pros / cons? Any suggestions for …

asynchronous epoll io-completion-ports
Win32 Overlapped I/O - Completion routines or WaitForMultipleObjects?

I'm wondering which approach is faster and why ? While writing a Win32 server I have read a lot about the …

winapi io crystal-reports io-completion-ports
.NET sockets vs C++ sockets at high performance

My question is to settle an argument with my co-workers on C++ vs C#. We have implemented a server that …

c# sockets io-completion-ports
C# async/await chaining with ConfigureAwait(false)

Based on numerous books and blogs including this excellent one here, it is clear that when one writes a dll …

c# .net task-parallel-library async-await io-completion-ports