Top "Inversion-of-control" questions

Inversion of control (IoC) is an abstract principle describing an aspect of some software architecture designs in which the flow of control of a system is inverted in comparison to procedural programming.

How to use Dependency Injection with ASP.NET Web Forms

I am trying to work out a way to use dependency injection with ASP.NET Web Forms controls. I have … dependency-injection inversion-of-control webforms
IoC in class library. Where to bootstrap

I'm using a class library that can be reused by other components. In this class library I'm using unity for …

c# dependency-injection inversion-of-control unity-container
Unity not using the default constructor of the class

I have this class : public class Repo { public Repo() : this(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["identity"], ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["password"]) { } public Repo(string identity,…

c# .net inversion-of-control unity-container
How do I pass a parameter to the constructor using Light Inject?

Does Light Inject allow you to pass parameters to constructor when you resolve? I'd like to know if both these …

inversion-of-control light-inject
Abstract factory pattern on top of IoC?

I have decided to use IoC principles on a bigger project. However, i would like to get something straight that's …

inversion-of-control factory containers
Entity Framework using Repository Pattern, Unit of Work and Unity

Using a combination provided from this example and this implementation I am trying to create a solution that decouples the …

entity-framework inversion-of-control unity-container repository-pattern unit-of-work
What is a composition root in the context of dependency injection?

I am exploring dependency injection and the term composition root is used all over the place. So what is it?

dependency-injection inversion-of-control
What do programmers mean when they say, "Code against an interface, not an object."?

I've started the very long and arduous quest to learn and apply TDD to my workflow. I'm under the impression …

c# .net tdd inversion-of-control
Symfony how to get container in my service

I have symfony project and inside this project, I have big own service which is huge and complicated with own …

php symfony design-patterns inversion-of-control facade
How to use Autofac in a class library project?

I have the following implementation: private INewsRepository newsRepository; public NewsService(INewsRepository newsRepository) { this.newsRepository = newsRepository; } This service is in a …

c# dependency-injection inversion-of-control ioc-container autofac