Top "Invalidoperationexception" questions

The exception that is thrown when a method call is invalid for the object's current state.

What are the reasons Process.HasExited can throw InvalidOperationException?

I'm seeing a System.Diagnostics.Process.HasExited method throw an InvalidOperationException, but the message text property is not terribly useful …

c# .net process invalidoperationexception
getting error - System.InvalidOperationException was unhandled

I have just started to learn windows application development, and we have been given self learn project to develop one …

c# multithreading invalidoperationexception
.NET Core 2.x Identity int foreign key cannot target int primary key

I have a web application running .net core 2.x (just upgraded from .net core 1.x finally) and I've gotten most …

c# entity-framework-core invalidoperationexception
InvalidOperationException - When ending editing a cell & moving to another cell

I made a program in which I wanted to manually update the Data Grid View. -I have a Method to …

c# datagridview invalidoperationexception
Why would 'this.ContentTemplate.FindName' throw an InvalidOperationException on its own template?

Ok... this has me stumped. I've overridden OnContentTemplateChanged in my UserControl. I'm checking that the value passed in for newContentTemplate …

wpf invalidoperationexception contenttemplateselector
Custom ChangeMonitor for .Net MemoryCache causes invalid operation exception

I have written my own custom change monitor class for the .NET MemoryCache. It seems to initialize fine, but when …

c# .net invalidoperationexception
Python cdecimal InvalidOperation

I am trying to read financial data and store it. The place I get the financial data from stores the …

python decimal invalidoperationexception