Top "Interpreted-language" questions

Questions about interpreted languages and program interpretation in general.

Why Java is both compiled and interpreted language when the JIT also compiles the bytecode?

I read that, a java source code is compiled into 'bytecode' then it is 'Compiled' again by JIT into 'machine …

java jvm jit interpreted-language
Performance Comparison of Shell Scripts vs high level interpreted langs (C#/Java/etc.)

First - This is not meant to be a 'which is better, ignorant nonionic war thread'... But rather, I generally …

c# java performance shell interpreted-language
Do comments slow down an interpreted language?

I am asking this because I use Python, but it could apply to other interpreted languages as well (Ruby, PHP, …

python comments interpreter interpreted-language
Is Ruby really an interpreted language if all of its implementations are compiled into bytecode?

In the chosen answer for this question about Blue Ruby, Chuck says: All of the current Ruby implementations are compiled …

ruby interpreter interpreted-language compiled-language
Where is the Ruby interpreter located?

I'm using Ruby 1.8.7 on OS X. Where is the Ruby interpreter located? My goal is to learn more about Ruby, …

ruby interpreter interpreted-language
Why are so many web languages interpreted rather than compiled?

Why didn't languages such as C end up being using for web dev? Surely the speed increases from being compiled …

Recursion overhead -- how serious is it?

Possible Duplicate: Is recursion ever faster than looping? I was first trained to program seriously in C, about 15 years ago. …

optimization programming-languages recursion tail-recursion interpreted-language
Interpreted vs. Compiled Languages for Web Sites (PHP, ASP, Perl, Python, etc.)

I build database-driven web sites. Previously I have used Perl or PHP with MySQL. Now I am starting a big …

php webserver compiled interpreted-language
Does it make sense to use Hungarian notation prefixes in interpreted languages?

First of all, I have taken a look at the following posts to avoid duplicate question.…

python matlab interpreter interpreted-language weak-typing