Top "Interpolation" questions

Anything related to function interpolation, i.e. the mathematical techniques for estimating the (unknown) value of a function in a point on the basis of a set of known values in other (usually nearby) points.

AngularJS multiple expressions concatenating in interpolation with a URL

I know this is long, but please bear with me. The problem is easy to understand, just takes some writing …

javascript angularjs youtube concatenation interpolation
How to perform bilinear interpolation in Python

I would like to perform blinear interpolation using python. Example gps point for which I want to interpolate height is: …

python math coordinates interpolation geo
interpolate 3D volume with numpy and or scipy

I am extremely frustrated because after several hours I can't seem to be able to do a seemingly easy 3D …

python numpy 3d scipy interpolation
How do I integrate two 1-D data arrays in Python?

I have two tabulated data arrays, x and y, and I don't know the function that generated the data. I …

python arrays integration interpolation
Which kind of interpolation best for resizing image?

I have a numpy array that I wish to resize using opencv. Its values range from 0 to 255. If I opt …

python opencv numpy interpolation
MATLAB: Using interpolation to replace missing values (NaN)

I have cell array each containing a sequence of values as a row vector. The sequences contain some missing values …

matlab interpolation nan missing-data
Cubic Spline Program

I'm trying to write a cubic spline interpolation program. I have written the program but, the graph is not coming …

matlab matrix interpolation spline
Resample time series in pandas to a weekly interval

How do I resample a time series in pandas to a weekly frequency where the weeks start on an arbitrary …

python date pandas numpy interpolation
D3.js binding an object to data and appending for each key

I'm a D3.js newbie and I'm learning how to play around with data. Let's say I have an object …

javascript d3.js svg data-binding interpolation
Python/Scipy 2D Interpolation (Non-uniform Data)

This is a follow-up question to my previous post: Python/Scipy Interpolation (map_coordinates) Let's say I want to interpolate …

python numpy scipy interpolation