Intellij, project navigation. Expand all folder and file tree

mmm picture mmm · Dec 6, 2014 · Viewed 29.1k times · Source

Is it possible to expand the entire project tree in Intellij? I would like to do this so I can more easily search the structure and jump back and forth between files and folders.

I know of double shift, and CTRL+SHIFT+N, but that is not what I am after.


Bohuslav Burghardt picture Bohuslav Burghardt · Dec 6, 2014

There is a Fully Expand Tree Node action, which is bound to Numpad * key (*) by default.

But if you use this key, it doesn't expand the whole tree, rather it expands the first level and when you press it again it expands subsequent levels, and so on.

But it can still do what you're trying to achieve. Just click the tree item you want to expand (for example src) in project view, press and hold the * key and all nodes will be expanded pretty quickly. It's not the best way but I'm not aware of any better solution.

Tested on IntelliJ IDEA 14 and 2019.3.3 Ultimate

If you press *: Expand 1 level.

If you press * *: Expand 2 levels.

If you press * * *: Expand 3 levels.

and so on.