Top "Intel" questions

For issues related to Intel semiconductor chips and assemblies, Intel architectural features and ISA extensions, and Intel chips micro-architecture.

Why 64 bit mode ( Long mode ) doesn't use segment registers?

I'm a beginner level of student :) I'm studying about intel architecture, and I'm studying a memory management such as a …

memory-management x86-64 intel memory-segmentation
Uninstalling intel HAXM on Mac (El Capitan)

I ran into an error after installing VMware Fusion on my mac, that it couldn't find /dev/vmmon. After some …

macos intel haxm
Mutli-core Processors: Does each "core" run at the full clock speed or some fraction of the full clock frequency?

Let's say you have a single (1) Intel/AMD x86-64 bit 2 GHz 8 core processor. Does each of the 8 cores all …

architecture intel microprocessors amd-processor
How to Disable Hyper-V and install HAXM in Windows 8

I am trying to install HAXM for android studio but it is showing error: Now my system has VT-x enabled: …

android android-emulator intel hyperthreading haxm
What does Intel mean by "retired"?

In the Intel Manual, there is mention of a lot of performance events which have descriptions like "Mispredicted taken branch …

performance x86 x86-64 intel
what does endbr64 instruction actually do?

I've been trying to understand assembly language code generated by GCC and frequently encounter this instruction at start of many …

assembly x86-64 intel
Why is this SSE code 6 times slower without VZEROUPPER on Skylake?

I've been trying to figure out a performance problem in an application and have finally narrowed it down to a …

performance x86 intel sse avx
How to check with Intel intrinsics if AVX extensions is supported by the CPU?

I'm writing a program using Intel intrinsics. I want to use _mm_permute_pd intrinsic, which is only available on …

c intel intrinsics
Assembly instruction for setting, clearing OF & TF flags

Are there any assembly instructions to let us directly "set" or "clear" the "OF" and "TF" flags in Intel's 8086 16-bit …

x86 intel flags masm x86-16
Intel TBB will work on AMD processors?

Possible Duplicate: AMD multi-core programming Is Intel TBB processor dependent? Will it work on amd or on ARM (under meeGo …

c++ c intel multithreading tbb