Top "Intel-mkl" questions

Intel MKL (Math Kernel Library) is a high performance math library specifically optimised for Intel processors.

Supplying NumPy site.cfg arguments to pip

I'm using NumPy built against Intel's Math Kernel Library. I use virtualenv, and typically use pip to install packages. However, …

python numpy pip intel-mkl
High-performance Math library for .NET /C# and Java

We currently have a high-performance scientific application written in C++ that makes use of Intel Math Kernel Library. We are …

c# java c++ tbb intel-mkl
Cannot load mkl_intel_thread.dll on python executable

I'm trying to create an executable python program that runs on windows without python being installed, for this I'm using …

python numpy matplotlib cx-freeze intel-mkl
How to link Intel MKL library, just cblas_dgemm function is used

I want to test Intel MKL matrix multiplication, So I include and I just use the cblas_dgemm function, but …

c++ c qt-creator intel-mkl
Intel MKL FATAL ERROR: Cannot load mkl_intel_thread.dll

Previously I asked a similar question: cx_Freeze unable fo find mkl: MKL FATAL ERROR: Cannot load mkl_intel_thread.…

python dll cx-freeze intel-mkl
Executable cannot find dynamically linked mkl library, but ldd does

I have a code which was dynamically linked with the mkl library. when running the code, it reports mkl not …

linker intel-mkl ldd
Is numpy+mkl faster than numpy?

If numpy+mkl is faster, how much faster is it than numpy? I found that the numpy+mkl installation package …

python numpy intel-mkl
Linking Intel's Math Kernel Library (MKL) to R on Windows

Using an alternative BLAS for R has several advantages, see e.g.…

r windows blas intel-mkl revolution-r
Is there any simple C++ example on how to use Intel MKL FFT?

I need to perform FFT and Inverse-FFT transformations. The input would be vector and matrices of double. Ideally, the output …

c++ fft intel-mkl dft