Top "Instanceid" questions

When do GCM Tokens Expire and What is the InstanceID?

Since GCM keeps getting updated, most of the resources I have searched seem outdated or unclear. Basically, I am confused …

android token google-cloud-messaging instanceid
iOS Swift Firebase InstanceID token returns Nil at first time

I am using Firebase notification in my app. When I install my app for first time FIRInstanceID.instanceID().token() returns …

ios firebase swift3 instanceid
Getting Azure VM Instance ID from within a VM and linking it with imported Azure VM instances

I am developing a client-server application where I want the client (Azure VM) to send its instance ID to the …

azure cloud azure-virtual-machine instanceid
Use Instance ID as unique ID for my Android app

I want to create a unique ID for my app. As given in the following link I want to use …

android firebase instanceid
How to use "get-PnPdevice" to get InstanceID of a device

I want to get the instanceID of a device just as a string and assign it to a variable I …

powershell scripting device instanceid