Top "Instance" questions

In object-oriented programming an instance is an occurrence or a copy of an object, whether currently executing or not.

VB.NET: Get class name of a instance

Is there a way to get the instance's class name with VB.NET?

.net oop class instance
When to use static variables/methods and when to use instance variables/methods in Java?

i would like to ask the question when it would be advantageous to use static variables/methods or in the …

java static instance
Create class instance from within static method

As the title says, I'm wanting to create an instance of a class from within a static method of the …

php oop class instance
new Backbone.Model() vs Backbone.Model.extend()

I'm new to JS and Backbone What's the difference between these two? TestModel = new Backbone.Model({ title: "test title" }) TestModel = …

javascript backbone.js constructor instance
Static classes in Python

I once read (I think on a page from Microsoft) that it's a good way to use static classes, when …

python class static instance class-method
How to use FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(), it returns null

I've been struggling for the last couple of days with the login part of my web app. I've gotten to …

jsf null instance facescontext
How to remove(unregister) registered instance from Unity mapping?

I meet one problem that i can't solve now. I have the following: UnityHelper.DefaultContainer.RegisterInstance(typeof(IMyInterface), "test", instance); …

c# unity-container ioc-container instance registering
Get Instance ID of an Object in PHP

I've learn a while ago on StackOverflow that we can get the "instance ID" of any resource, for instance: var_…

php class object resources instance
How to implement "equals" method for generics using "instanceof"?

I have a class that accepts a generic type, and I want to override the equals method in a non-awkward …

java oop generics instance equals
NSClassFromString returns nil

Why does NSClassFromString return nil ? As per the definition it has to return class name. How should I take care …

objective-c class instance