Top "Insert" questions

Insert is an action to add information to a larger container that the information should reside within.

Mysql get last id of specific table

I have to get last insert id from a specific inserted table?. Lets say i have this code: INSERT INTO …

php mysql sql insert last-insert-id
Implicit conversion from data type nvarchar to varbinary(max) is not allowed

I get this exception when I try to insert a DBNull.Value into a nullable varbinary(max) field: Implicit conversion …

sql insert dbnull varbinarymax
How to insert a row into a linked server table?

I have a server SourceServer I am connected to which has a linked server TargetServer. How should an insert statement …

sql-server insert linked-server
How do I get the ID of multiple inserted rows in MySQL?

I am inserting some words into a two-column table with this command: INSERT IGNORE INTO terms (term) VALUES ('word1'), (…

mysql sql database insert normalization
Insert in SQLite Database android

im new on Android. I have some trouble with the insert statement in the database, when im running the application …

android insert android-sqlite
SQL Server insert performance

I have an insert query that gets generated like this INSERT INTO InvoiceDetail (LegacyId,InvoiceId,DetailTypeId,Fee,FeeTax,Investigatorid,SalespersonId,…

sql-server insert bulkinsert
How does one insert a column into a dataset between two existing columns?

I'm trying to insert a column into an existing DataSet using C#. As an example I have a DataSet defined …

c# insert dataset
Using insert rows in a UITableView

I'd like my UITableView to behave like the the table in the Contacts editor, i.e. the user should hit …

objective-c iphone uitableview insert editing
Select and Insert across dblink

I am having a bit of trouble with a select into insert across a dblink in oracle 10. I am using …

oracle insert dblink
Insert record into table if entry does not exist in another table- with an extra twist

Hi to all you mighty SQLsuperheros out there.. Can anyone rescue me from imminent disaster and ruin? I'm working with …

sql ms-access insert not-exists