Top "Input" questions

Input is usually related to user input, i.e., to the data that user supplies to a running application.

How to have a drop down <select> field in a rails form?

I am creating a scaffold - rails g scaffold Contact email:string email_provider:string but I want the email …

ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-3 drop-down-menu input selectlist
What is EOF in the C programming language?

How do you get to see the last print? In other words what to put in for EOF? I checked …

c input eof
JavaScript: Check if mouse button down?

Is there a way to detect if a mouse button is currently down in JavaScript? I know about the "mousedown" …

javascript input mouse user-input input-devices
Wrapping text inside input type="text" element HTML/CSS

The HTML shown below, <input type="text"/> is displayed in a browser like so: When I add the …

html input word-wrap
How to make a input field readonly with JavaScript?

I know you can add readonly="readonly" to an input field so its not editable. But I need to use …

javascript input readonly
Command line input in Python

Is it possible to run first the program then wait for the input of the user in command line. e.…

python command-line input python-2.7 user-input
Why does the html input with type "number" allow the letter 'e' to be entered in the field?

I have the following html5 input element: <input type="number"> Why does this input allow for the character …

html input numbers
Why am I getting InputMismatchException?

So far I have this: public double checkValueWithin(int min, int max) { double num; Scanner reader = new Scanner(; …

java input java.util.scanner inputmismatchexception
How do I see which checkbox is checked?

How do I check in PHP whether a checkbox is checked or not?

php html checkbox input checked
jQuery .each() with input elements

//save tablet jQuery("#savetablet"+jTablets[i].idtablets).on('click', function() { alert("alertsepy2..."); console.log(jTablets[i].idtablets); jQuery("#tablet"+jTablets[…

jquery input each