Top "Infinite-loop" questions

An "infinite loop" is a loop in which the exit criteria are never satisfied; such a loop would perform a potentially infinite number of iterations of the loop body.

Passing variable through URL with angular js

I am using angular to make an e-commerce, and I'm setting an infinite scroll to the products list page. Everything …

angularjs infinite-loop infinite-scroll infinite
Is there any way to kill a setInterval loop through an Onclick button

So, I got an infinite loop to work in this function using setInterval attached to an onClick. Problem is, I …

javascript onclick infinite-loop setinterval
How to terminate a program running from the Sublime Text 2 terminal once entering an infinite loop?

Even If I close sublime the process continues to go, seeing as my laptop revs until slowing down to a …

loops sublimetext2 infinite-loop sublimetext
Creating an infinite loop

I'm trying to create an infinite loop, where a block of code will be executed forever. All loop documentation I …

ruby loops infinite-loop
Stopping an infinite loop on a remote server PHP

I have a simple infinite for loop looking like this: set_time_limit (0); for (;;) { ... //Doing some stuff including to write …

php infinite-loop
while(true) versus for(;;)

Possible Duplicates: Is “for(;;)” faster than “while (TRUE)”? If not, why do people use it? for ( ; ; ) or while ( true ) - …

c++ infinite-loop
angularjs infinite $digest Loop when no scope changes

I'm getting the below error in my angular code. I'm struggling to understand why the function getDrawWithResults would cause a …

javascript angularjs infinite-loop
When are infinite loops are useful in PHP?

While reading through the great online PHP tutorials of Paul Hudson he said Perhaps surprisingly, infinite loops can sometimes be …

php infinite-loop
Angular Infinite $digest Loop

I am working on a site where you can search a food, and see if its a fruit, a vegetable, …

javascript angularjs infinite-loop