Top "In-app-update" questions

Use tag for questions addressing in-app updates in Android (Play Core library feature)

How to work with Android's in-app update API?

I recently came across a new kind of app update flow which has provided by Google Play API. I liked …

android google-play auto-update in-app-update
How can I test In-app updates in Android?

Recently, Google introduced 'in-app updates' in Google I/O 2019. So I am trying to use it. val appUpdateManager = AppUpdateManagerFactory.create(…

android google-play in-app-update google-play-core
In-App Update API showing UPDATE_NOT_AVAILABLE while testing on debugging device

I am trying to integrate the new In-App Update API but I cannot able to test it's implementation. Seems like …

android kotlin google-play in-app-update google-play-core
How to force users to update app from play store in Flutter using in_app_update

I want the users of my app to always have the latest version. If they don't have the latest version, …

android flutter google-play in-app-update