Top "Impersonation" questions

Impersonation is a process whereby an application assumes another identity or security context during execution.

WindowsImpersonationContext & Impersonate() not found in ASP.Core

I had the following in a .NET Framework 4.0 assembly: var newId= new WindowsIdentity(duplicateTokenHandle); WindowsImpersonationContext newId = ImpersonatedIdentity.Impersonate(); I'm porting … .net .net-core impersonation
How to impersonate a user from a service correctly?

I'm working a service, which should impersonate the logged on user. My code so far, with basic error handling: // get …

c++ windows service impersonation
Execute SSIS package from stored procedure as proxy user without xp_cmdshell

I am trying to run an SSIS package through a stored procedure, but I am getting an Access is denied …

sql-server stored-procedures ssis impersonation sql-server-2014
Passthrough (impersonation) authentication with ASP.NET and TFS api

I'm trying to enable passthrough or impersonation authentication inside an ASP.NET website that uses the TFS2010 API. I've got … tfs impersonation tfs-sdk
Continuation Task in the same thread as previous

I have an WebService that creates a task and a continuation task. In the first task we set Thread.CurrentPrincipal …

c# task-parallel-library impersonation
Impersonation: ASP.Net MVC Controller Action vs. Web Forms

Is there a difference with impersonation between an ASP.Net MVC controller actions vs. an ASP.Net Web Form? Using … webforms impersonation sqlconnection
Execute query to linked server as another user

I'd like to execute a query which uses linked server as a specific user. However, not even a simple example …

sql-server impersonation linked-server
Impersonation and DirectoryEntry

I am impersonating a user account successfully, but I am not able to use the impersonated account to bind to …

c# impersonation directoryentry
System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.UserPrincipal - localhost but not iis

Why does the code below work fine when I run my web application localhost but not when I install it … impersonation userprincipal
Impersonating users through NTLM

I have an internal application which has two levels of security. FormsAuthentication for client-facing application and NTLM Integrated authentication for …

c# impersonation ntlm