How to impersonate a user from a service correctly?

kampi picture kampi · Nov 5, 2013 · Viewed 10.6k times · Source

I'm working a service, which should impersonate the logged on user.

My code so far, with basic error handling:

 // get the active console session ID of the logged on user
if ( !WTSQueryUserToken( WTSGetActiveConsoleSessionId(), &hToken ) )
    ShowErrorText( "WTSQueryUserToken failed.", GetLastError( ), true );

HANDLE hDuplicated;

// duplicate the token
if ( !DuplicateToken( hToken, SecurityImpersonation, &hDuplicated ) )
    ShowErrorText( "DuplicateToken failed.", GetLastError( ), true );
    ShowErrorText( "DuplicateToken succeeded.", 0, true );

// impersonate the logged on user
if ( !ImpersonateLoggedOnUser( hToken ) )
    ShowErrorText( "ImpersonateLoggedOnUser failed.", GetLastError(), true );

// retrieve the DC name 
if ( !GetPrimaryDC( DC ) )
    ShowErrorText( "GetPrimaryDC failed.", 0, true );
PROFILEINFO lpProfileInfo;

ZeroMemory( &lpProfileInfo, sizeof( PROFILEINFO ) );
lpProfileInfo.dwSize = sizeof( PROFILEINFO );
lpProfileInfo.lpUserName = CurrentUser;

// get type of profile. roaming, mandatory or temporary
int ret = GetTypeOfProfile();
if ( ret == 2 )
    // if roaming profile get the path of it
    if ( !GetRoamingProfilePath( DC, CurrentUser, RoamingProfilePath ) )
        ShowErrorText( "Failed to retrieve roaming profile path.", GetLastError(), true );
if ( RevertToSelf( ) )
    ShowErrorText( "Impersonation ended successfully.", 0, true );

 if ( !LoadUserProfile( hDuplicated, &lpProfileInfo ) )
    ShowErrorText( "LoadUserProfile failed.", GetLastError(), true );
    ShowErrorText( "LoadUserProfile succeeded.", 0, true );

   //do some stuff

  if ( !UnloadUserProfile( hDuplicated, lpProfileInfo.hProfile ) )
    ShowErrorText( "UnloadUserProfile failed.", GetLastError( ), true );
    ShowErrorText( "UnloadUserProfile succeeded.", 0, true );

 if ( !ImpersonateLoggedOnUser( hToken ) )
    ShowErrorText( "ImpersonateLoggedOnUser failed.", GetLastError( ), true );

According to MSDN:

When a user logs on interactively, the system automatically loads the user's profile. If a service or an application impersonates a user, the system does not load the user's profile. Therefore, the service or application should load the user's profile with LoadUserProfile.

Services and applications that call LoadUserProfile should check to see if the user has a roaming profile. If the user has a roaming profile, specify its path as the lpProfilePath member of PROFILEINFO. To retrieve the user's roaming profile path, you can call the NetUserGetInfo function, specifying information level 3 or 4.

Upon successful return, the hProfile member of PROFILEINFO is a registry key handle opened to the root of the user's hive. It has been opened with full access (KEY_ALL_ACCESS). If a service that is impersonating a user needs to read or write to the user's registry file, use this handle instead of HKEY_CURRENT_USER. Do not close the hProfile handle. Instead, pass it to the UnloadUserProfile function.

If i use my code as it is now, then it works. However is it a little strange, because first i have to impersonate the logged on user, and then end the impersonation, to Load the users profile. If i don't end the impersonation then LoadUserProfile will fail with error 5 ( Access denied ). And after LoadUserProfile succeeded i should impersonate the user again?

So my question is, this meant to be done this way, or i am doing something wrong? Another question is, that if LoadUserProfile succeeded i could use hProfile as a Handle to the logged on users registry. Question is how? Because to use RegOpenKeyEy and RegSetValueEx i need to pass a HKEY, not a HANDLE. So how can i use this Handle?



Remy Lebeau picture Remy Lebeau · Nov 5, 2013

You don't need to call ImpersonateLoggedOnUser() since you are passing the user's token to LoadUserProfile(). Call ImpersonateLoggedOnUser() only if you need to call APIs that do not allow you to pass a user token to them.

If you read the rest of the LoadUserProfile() documentation, it says:

The calling process must have the SE_RESTORE_NAME and SE_BACKUP_NAME privileges.

By impersonating the user you are trying to load a profile for, you are likely losing those privileges. So don't impersonate the user.

Update: Try something like this:

// get the active console session ID of the logged on user
DWORD dwSessionID = WTSGetActiveConsoleSessionId();
if ( dwSessionID == 0xFFFFFFFF )
    ShowErrorText( "WTSGetActiveConsoleSessionId failed.", GetLastError( ), true );

if ( !WTSQueryUserToken( dwSessionID, &hToken ) )
    ShowErrorText( "WTSQueryUserToken failed.", GetLastError( ), true );

// duplicate the token
HANDLE hDuplicated = NULL;
if ( !DuplicateToken( hToken, SecurityImpersonation, &hDuplicated ) )
    ShowErrorText( "DuplicateToken failed.", GetLastError( ), true );
    CloseHandle( hToken );

// retrieve the DC name 
if ( !GetPrimaryDC( DC ) )
    ShowErrorText( "GetPrimaryDC failed.", 0, true );
    CloseHandle( hDuplicated );
    CloseHandle( hToken );

PROFILEINFO lpProfileInfo;
ZeroMemory( &lpProfileInfo, sizeof( PROFILEINFO ) );
lpProfileInfo.dwSize = sizeof( PROFILEINFO );
lpProfileInfo.lpUserName = CurrentUser;

// get type of profile. roaming, mandatory or temporary
USER_INFO_4 *UserInfo = NULL;
int ret = GetTypeOfProfile();
if ( ret == 2 )
    // if roaming profile get the path of it
    if ( NetUserGetInfo( DC, CurrentUser, 4, (LPBYTE*)&UserInfo) != NERR_Success )
        ShowErrorText( "NetUserGetInfo failed.", 0, true );
        CloseHandle( hDuplicated );
        CloseHandle( hToken );

    lpProfileInfo.lpProfilePath = UserInfo->usri3_profile;

if ( !LoadUserProfile( hDuplicated, &lpProfileInfo ) )
    ShowErrorText( "LoadUserProfile failed.", GetLastError(), true );
    if ( UserInfo )
    CloseHandle( hDuplicated );
    CloseHandle( hToken );

if ( UserInfo )

ShowErrorText( "LoadUserProfile succeeded.", 0, true );

//do some stuff

if ( !UnloadUserProfile( hDuplicated, lpProfileInfo.hProfile ) )
    ShowErrorText( "UnloadUserProfile failed.", GetLastError( ), true );
    ShowErrorText( "UnloadUserProfile succeeded.", 0, true );

CloseHandle( hDuplicated );
CloseHandle( hToken );

As for the Registry, the hProfile handle is the opened HKEY for the user's HKEY_CURRENT_USER tree. Simpy type-cast it from HANDLE to HKEY when passing it to Registry API functions. It is already opened, so you do not need to call RegOpenKeyEx() to open that same key again, but you can use it as the root key when creating/opening subkeys, or reading/writing values in the root key.