The Internet Movie Database (IMDb) is an online database of information related to films, television programs, and video games.
I recently found a movie organizer application which fetches its data from the IMDB database. Does IMDB provide an API … imdbIMDB provides plain text files user's can download and use which can be found here: IMDB Plain Text Files which …
web-services imdbmovie id tt0438097 can be found at What's the url for its poster image?
imdbHas any one done this before? It would seem to me that there should be a webservice but i can't …
web-services imdbI am working on a web app which lets users tell their favourite movies, directors, movie- writers, and actors. For …
movie imdb imdbpyIs there an IMDB API to retrieve character information ? Assuming I know the exact name of the character ?
api imdbI have done extensive research and found that I couldn't find an API. Is there any available API to get …
jsp web-scraping imdbIn my Ruby on Rails app, I use the imdb gem ( to search for a …
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