Top "Imagemagick-convert" questions

The "convert" command, from the ImageMagick® software suite is a program to convert between image formats as well as resize an image, blur, crop, despeckle, dither, draw on, flip, join, re-sample, and much more.

Defining the file order for ImageMagick convert

I have a bunch of PNG files named foo<bar>.png I wish to convert to TIF animation. &…

imagemagick imagemagick-convert
How do I convert a base64 image?

I am trying to use the "convert" command-line tool from ImageMagick. I have a base64 encoded png file and I …

imagemagick imagemagick-convert
ImageMagick with Visual Studio

I'm trying to write a sample ImageMagick program in Visual Studio 2010. I have binary distribution of ImageMagick already installed on …

imagemagick imagemagick-convert node-imagemagick