How do I convert a base64 image?

skiphoppy picture skiphoppy · Sep 21, 2015 · Viewed 7.6k times · Source

I am trying to use the "convert" command-line tool from ImageMagick. I have a base64 encoded png file and I need to convert it to another format. I am looking at documentation and a forum discussion which suggests that I should be able to use this syntax:

convert inline:file.txt file.jpg

But when I do this, I get this error message:

convert: corrupt image `file.txt' @ error/constitute.c/ReadInlineImage/910.

What am I doing wrong? How do I get convert to read a base64 image file?


Mark Setchell picture Mark Setchell · Sep 21, 2015

Updated Answer - now that I understand it better myself :-)

Basically, you can base64 encode an image using openssl like this:

openssl enc -base64 -in image.png > image.b64

However, if you want ImageMagick to be able to read it, you need a small header at the start, to tell ImageMagick what follows. The header must contain:


followed by your base64 encoded data generated using the openssl command above. So, depending on what features your shell has, you could do it like this with a compound statement in bash:

{ echo "data:image/png;base64,"; openssl enc -base64 -in input.png; } > image.b64

or like this in Windows:

echo data:image/png;base64,         > image.b64
openssl enc -base64 -in image.png  >> image.b64

Once you have the image in that format, you can then proceed to process it with ImageMagick like this:

convert inline:image.b64 result.png

For those who use this in css, add -A flag to output in one line

openssl enc -base64 -A -in image.png > image.b64

Original Answer

After MUCH experimenting, I can do it!!! :-)

Start with Eric's (@emcconville) setup:

# For example
convert rose: rose.png
# Create base64 file
openssl enc -base64 -in rose.png -out rose.txt

and now add this mess as the last line:

{ echo "data:image/png;base64,"; cat rose.txt; } | convert inline:- out.jpg

I guess the data:image/png;base64, is not present in the base64 file created by openssl so I create a compound statement that sends that plus the file to stdin of ImageMagick.