Top "Image-formats" questions

Image file formats are standardized means of organizing and storing digital images.

JPG vs. JPEG image formats

I often use JPEG images, and I have noticed that there are two very similar file extensions: .jpg, which my …

image jpeg file-extension image-formats
How can I know what image format I get from a stream?

I get a byte stream from some web service. This byte stream contains the binary data of an image and …

java c# image detect image-formats
Detecting image type from base64 string in PHP

Is it possible to find out the type of an image encoded as a base64 String in PHP? I have …

php base64 image-formats
Website Image Formats: Choosing the right format for the right task

When designing a website, what do you consider the best image format to use for a particular task? I always …

Programmatically adding Images to RTF Document

I am trying to add a image to a RTF document which I am creating. I would prefer to not …

c# image rtf image-formats
How to get the format of image with PIL?

After loading an image file with PIL.Image, how can I determine whether the image file is a PNG/JPG/…

python python-imaging-library image-formats
Getting enum names (e.g. CV_32FC1) of OpenCV image types?

In the C++ interface to OpenCV, it seems easy enough to check the type of an image. If you have …

c++ image-processing opencv enums image-formats
WebP image format on iOS

I’m currently researching the possibility to use Google’s WebP image format in our iOS software. I found it’…

iphone ios uiimage image-formats webp
What image formats do the major browsers support? (2012)

I was wondering what image formats (aside from the basic JPEG, GIF, PNG) the major browsers would support, especially Chrome, …

image cross-browser image-formats
Image formats NV12 storage in memory

I am totally understand about the size of the NV12 format as described in question NV12 format and UV plane …

image-processing yuv image-formats nv12-nv21