I want to load only the css needed for the login page for performance. On my other pages I want a grouped css file that will be cached on every page which contain all my css.
I have the following files:
In minifiedcssforloginpage.scss I declare $load-complete-css:false. Afterwards I import myproject.scss which contains all the imports of my modules, layouts, core... In myproject.scss i want to do something like
@if $load-complete-css {
@import module1;
@import module2;
@import module3;
So minifiedcssforloginpage.scss would generate minifiedcssforloginpage.css with less css then grouped-pages.css (that has a var $load-complete-css set to true).
But I get an error that this is not possible "Import directives may not be used within control directives or mixins".
It's one of those things that's just not allowed. The only thing you can do is turn those imports into mixins (import the file outside the @if
and call the mixin where appropriate).
@mixin partial {
.test { color: red }
// other styles here
@import "partial";
@if $someval == true {
@include partial;