Top "Ierrorhandler" questions

In .NET, allows an implementer to control the fault message returned to the caller from a WCF service and optionally perform custom error processing such as logging.

WCF exception handling using IErrorHandler

I am basically implementing the IErrorHandler interface to catch all kinds of exceptions from the WCF service and sending it …

c# .net wcf ierrorhandler
IErrorHandler doesn't seem to be handling my errors in WCF .. any ideas?

Have been reading around on IErrorHandler and want to go the config route. so, I have read the following in …

wcf ierrorhandler
WCF: provide generic FaultException in IErrorHandler

Some context: We have a custom XSD and generate the WSDL and C# code using The client side …

c# wcf xmlserializer ierrorhandler wcf-extensions