Top "Iequatable" questions

Interface, which defines a generalized method that a value type or class implements to create a type-specific method for determining equality of instances.

Find an item inside a List<T> by providing a sample object instance

Why is there a List<T>.Contains(T) method but no List<T>.Find(T) method? …

c# list icollection iequatable
Key comparisons for Linq GroupBy using Default EqualityComparer

I'm trying to do a Linq GroupBy on some objects using an explicit key type. I'm not passing an IEqualityComparer …

linq group-by iequatable
Can I overload an == operator on an Interface?

I have an interface like this: public interface IFoo { int A {get;} int B {get;} } and I have multiple classes …

c# .net interface equality iequatable