Top "Identity" questions

An inherent property of an entity that distinguishes that entity from all others.

In SQL Server, should I create an index for an identity column, or is it created automatically?

I believe when I create an identity column it gets indexed automatically, but I'm not 100% sure. Should I create an …

sql-server indexing identity
Avoiding concurrency problems with MAX+1 integer in SQL Server 2008... making own IDENTITY value

I need to increment an integer in a SQL Server 2008 column. Sounds like I should use an IDENTITY column, but …

sql locking identity max increment
Sqlite insert into with unique names, getting id

I have a list of strings to insert into a db. They MUST be unique. When i insert i would …

sqlite unique identity auto-generate
How to change error message in ASP.NET Identity

I have one question. I'm trying change error message in Identity ASP .NET and I don't know how do it. … identity
Why is range(0) == range(2, 2, 2) True in Python 3?

Why do ranges which are initialized with different values compare equal to one another in Python 3? When I execute the …

python python-3.x range identity python-internals
ExpireTimeSpan ignored after regenerateIdentity / validateInterval duration in MVC Identity (2.0.1)

Been scratching my head all day on this one. I'm trying to set up "very long" login sessions in MVC … identity
Increase value of an identity column in SQL Server without dropping and recreating the table

In a table, I have an ID column, that is an Identity int. How can I make it so that …

sql-server-2008 identity
ID Best Practices for Databases

I was wondering what the best practices were for building and storing IDs. A few years ago, a professor told …

sql language-agnostic identity auto-increment surrogate-key
How to set Thread.CurrentPrincipal for use throughout the application?

In an application I'm using a Login control with a custom membership provider that I wrote. What I … authentication identity principal
How to login using email in identity 2?

In MVC5 Identity 2 SignInManager.PasswordSignInAsync take user name for login. var result = await SignInManager.PasswordSignInAsync(model.Email, model.Password, model.… identity