Top "Identity" questions

An inherent property of an entity that distinguishes that entity from all others.

Full name rather than the domain id in User.Identity.Name

The User.Identity.Name property returns the domain login id. Which class/property exposes the actual user name? For user "…

c# authentication identity adsi
ADO.NET Entity Framework and identity columns

Is the Entity Framework aware of identity columns? I am using SQL Server 2005 Express Edition and have several tables where …

.net sql-server entity-framework identity
Programmatically get a Storyboard ID?

Trying to see if a UIViewController or UIView can identify its Storyboard ID. So was hoping for: UIViewController *aViewController; NSString *…

ios objective-c xcode storyboard identity
Oracle: how to create an identity column?

It appears that there is no concept of AUTO_INCREMENT in Oracle, up until and including version 11g. How can …

sql oracle identity
Primary key from inserted row jdbc?

Is there a cross database platform way to get the primary key of the record you have just inserted? I …

java jdbc identity
JwtSecurityTokenHandler and TokenValidationParameters

I used to have a reference to Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens.JWT and everything was working fine. I updated to use …

c# validation security jwt identity
Convert a username to a SID string in C#/.NET

There's a question about converting from a SID to an account name; there isn't one for the other way around. …

c# windows identity sid
How to generate unique id in Dart

I write websocket chat. How to generate unique id for user? now i use this code: id = new…

unique dart identity uuid uniqueidentifier
Reuse identity value after deleting rows

Is it possible to reuse an identity field value after deleting rows in SQL Server 2008 Express? Here is an example. …

sql sql-server tsql sql-server-2008 identity
How to test for (ActiveRecord) object equality

In Ruby 1.9.2 on Rails 3.0.3, I'm attempting to test for object equality between two Friend (class inherits from ActiveRecord::Base) objects. …

ruby-on-rails ruby activerecord identity equality