Top "Idatareader" questions

IDataReader is a Microsoft .NET interface which can be used to read data coming from a database.

Checking to see if a column exists in a data reader

Is there a way to see if a field exists in an IDataReader-based object w/o just checking for an …

c# idatareader
using IDataReader to call store procedure with parameters

I use IDataReader to call stored procedures without parameters. I am not finding examples of how to do this when …

c# stored-procedures idatareader
Null safe way to get values from an IDataReader

(LocalVariable)ABC.string(Name)= (Idatareader)datareader.GetString(0); this name value is coming from database.. what happening here is if this …

c# extension-methods dbnull idatareader
AutoMapper with a list data from IDataReader

using (IDataReader dr = DatabaseContext.ExecuteReader(command)) { if (dr.Read()) { AutoMapper.Mapper.CreateMap<IDataReader, ProductModel>(); return AutoMapper.Mapper.Map&…

c# automapper idatareader
How to mock IDataReader to test method which converts SqlDataReader to System.DataView

I'm new to Moq and I'm struggling to write Unit Test to test a method which converts SqlDataAdapter to System.…

c# unit-testing mocking moq idatareader
How do I use automapper to map a dataset with multiple tables

DISCLAIMER: this is a copy paste from an older stackoverflow post that isn't available anymore, but I have exaclty the …

c# dataset automapper relationship idatareader
How do I convert a DataTable to an IDatareader?

We all know that DataReaders are quicker than DataTables since the a DataReader is used in the construction of a …

.net datatable idatareader