Top "Idataerrorinfo" questions

Provides the functionality to offer custom error information that a user interface can bind to.

How to use IDataErrorInfo.Error in a WPF program?

I have an object like that: public class Person : IDataErrorInfo { public string PersonName{get;set;} public int Age{get;set;} …

wpf validation textbox idataerrorinfo
Using IDataErrorInfo in M-V-VM

If my domain objects implement IDataErrorInfo, and I am using M-V-VM, how do I propagate errors through the ViewModel into …

wpf validation mvvm idataerrorinfo
How to force validation errors update on View from ViewModel using IDataErrorInfo?

I have a MVVM-based Window with many controls, and my Model implements IDataErrorInfo. There is also a SaveCommand button, which …

c# wpf validation mvvm idataerrorinfo
WPF DataGrid validation errors not clearing

So I have a WPF DataGrid, which is bound to an ObservableCollection. The collection has validation on its members, through …

wpf validation datagrid wpfdatagrid idataerrorinfo
Show Validation Error Template on Controls within a UserControl in WPF

How do you get the WPF error template to appear on a control within a UserControl in WPF? I have …

c# wpf validation mvvm idataerrorinfo
Force IDataErrorInfo validation

I have two controls on some panel: textbox and combobox: <TextBox Text="{Binding ShapeName, Mode=TwoWay, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged, ValidatesOnDataErrors=…

wpf validation idataerrorinfo
IDataErrorInfo : How to know if all properties are valid?

I have a WPF application(.Net 3.5) which uses the IDataErrorInfo on the ViewModel to validate input. It works great, the …

wpf idataerrorinfo validation
How can I validate multiple properties when any of them changes?

I have two date fields: StartDate and EndDate. StartDate must be earlier than EndDate. If the user changes the StartDate …

wpf validation idataerrorinfo
IDataErrorInfo in winforms

Can IDataError info be used properly in a winforms application? In the past I was doing my binding the usual …

c# winforms idataerrorinfo
How to validate child objects by implementing IDataErrorInfo on parent class

I am developing a WPF Application using MVVM Architecture. I am an amateur in WPF so bear with me.. I …

c# wpf validation mvvm idataerrorinfo