Top "Icsharpcode" questions


Reading 2D Barcode from Images

I need a library to read 2D barcode (datamatrix) from images on C# project (windows Forms). I tried using some …

c# icsharpcode
Running Visual Studio 2012 Express c# from USB

I recently joined a programming club at my highschool, and wanted to be able to use usb to run Visual …

c# visual-studio-2010 usb system icsharpcode
ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib validate zip file

Using ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib for C#, how can I validate that the file being passed is actually a valid zip file (…

c# sharpziplib icsharpcode
C# Library Management console program

In this code when I add 2 books and try to delete 1st and 2nd book, 1st gets deleted and 2nd …

c# c#-4.0 c#-3.0 csharpcodeprovider icsharpcode