Top "Iboutlet" questions

The type qualifier IBOutlet is a tag applied to an instance-variable declaration so that the Interface Builder application can recognize the instance variable as an outlet and synchronize the display and connection of it with Xcode.

How to make UITextView "Done" button resignFirstResponder?

I am trying to make my editable UITextView resign the keyboard (resignFirstResponder) when the user taps "Done." Using a UITextField, …

iphone interface-builder ios uitextview iboutlet
Swift - IBOutletCollection equivalent

I'm trying to replicate the Stanford Matchismo game from "Developing ios7 apps for iphone and ipad" in iTunesU in Swift. …

swift interface-builder iboutlet iboutletcollection
UISegmentedControl deselect (make none of the segments selected)

in fact the title contains my question. I have a UISegmentedControl, and need to deselect currently selected tab. I tried: […

iphone xcode uisegmentedcontrol iboutlet
iOS loadNibNamed confusion, what is best practice?

I'm familiar with most of the process of creating an XIB for my own UIView subclass, but not everything is …

ios uiview init iboutlet loadnibnamed
Swift put multiple IBOutlets in an Array

I made these (marked with red border) IBOutlets using ctrl + drag But i don't like to have the exact same …

ios swift cocoa iboutlet iboutletcollection
Strange error when adding items to prototype cells in storyboard-IB

I have quite a large project (~20 scenes). One of which is a TableViewController with a custom UITableViewController class. I have …

ios uitableview iboutlet
Xcode 4 - Connecting Outlets

This page shows how easily I can connect outlets in Xcode 4, but …

iphone xcode connection iboutlet xcode4
How do I connect a IBOutlet to a UIView?

I'm trying to switch views after an animation as seen: [UIView beginAnimations: @"Fade Out" context:nil]; [UIView setAnimationDelay:1.0]; [UIView setAnimationDuration:0.25]; …

xcode uiview ios6 uistoryboard iboutlet
IBOutlet is nil inside custom UIView (Using STORYBOARD)

I have a custom UIView class. Inside it I have declared an IBOutlet property for UIImageView. #import <UIKit/UIKit.…

objective-c uiview storyboard iboutlet
Should IBOutlet be weak or strong var?

I'm using Xcode 6.2 for iOS projects. In older versions of Xcode, when a connection was create for an IBOutlet, it …

swift xcode6 iboutlet ios8.2