Hypermedia is a technique for working with and on data between a client and a server.
What is the standard pattern of orchestrating microservices? If a microservice only knows about its own domain, but there is …
http orchestration hypermedia microservicesI'm currently reading "Rest in practice" book . I'm unable to understand the following terminology Hypermedia , hypermedia format, hypermedia controls, Domain …
rest controls hateoas hypermediaI'm playing with REST right now and thought I properly implement HATEOAS just to get all concepts right. For that …
rest media restful-architecture hateoas hypermediaSo let's say I have an existing application that has two endpoints /people and /pants. Calling GET /people returns: [ { "name":"…
rest spring-data spring-data-rest hateoas hypermediaI'm curious to know how others have dealt with the issue of generating hypermedia links for their web APIs? Specifically, …
c# asp.net-web-api hateoas hypermediaI'm trying to write a helper function that can take in different custom Types in Golang, but I can't figure …
inheritance reflection go hypermediaI am in the early stages of planning a REST api, and I would like for it to adhere to …
json forms rest hateoas hypermedia