Top "Huggingface-transformers" questions

Transformers is a Python library that implements various transformer NLP models in PyTorch and Tensorflow.

PyTorch BERT TypeError: forward() got an unexpected keyword argument 'labels'

Training a BERT model using PyTorch transformers (following the tutorial here). Following statement in the tutorial loss = model(b_input_…

python pytorch bert-language-model huggingface-transformers
BERT tokenizer & model download

I`m beginner.. I'm working with Bert. However, due to the security of the company network, the following code does …

python github pytorch huggingface-transformers bert-language-model
what's difference between tokenizer.encode and tokenizer.encode_plus in Hugging Face

Here is an example of doing sequence classification using a model to determine if two sequences are paraphrases of each …

Load a pre-trained model from disk with Huggingface Transformers

From the documentation for from_pretrained, I understand I don't have to download the pretrained vectors every time, I can …
