Top "Httpwebresponse" questions

Provides an HTTP-specific implementation of the WebResponse class

HttpWebResponse returns 404 error

How to let Httpwebresponse ignore the 404 error and continue with it? It's easier than looking for exceptions in input as …

c# http-status-code-404 httpwebresponse
Getting full response body from System.Net.WebRequest

I'm using System.Net.WebRequest to get info from some API. When I get an error, the response contains only …

c# webrequest httpwebresponse
HttpWebRequest and Set-Cookie header in response not parsed (WP7)

I am trying to get the header "Set-Cookie" or access the cookie container, but the Set-Cookie header is not available. …

c# windows-phone-7 cookies httpwebrequest httpwebresponse
Why is this WebRequest code slow?

I requested 100 pages that all 404. I wrote { var s = DateTime.Now; for(int i=0; i < 100;i++) DL.CheckExist("http://…

c# httpwebrequest httpwebresponse
Getting "underlying connection was closed" on HttpWebRequest

I have an application written in VB.NET (NOT, it is a Windows Console app). I am trying …

httpwebrequest httpwebresponse
What is the timespan type of max-age in the HTTP response header? Seconds, minutes?

In the HTTP response header for my website it is returning a header that contains the following value. "Cache-Control: max-age=3600" …

http httpwebresponse response-headers
VB.NET Use WebRequest to check if URI is valid

Looking for the best way to determine if a URI exists in VB.NET without downloading the actual content. System.… httpwebresponse
This stream does not support seek operations. HttpWebResponse

I'm making a program which downloads files over http. I've got it downloading, however I want to be able to …

c# download httpwebrequest stream httpwebresponse
how to wait until a web request with HttpWebRequest is finished?

I am doing a web request to login in a my web services and I have a problem. I need …

c# rest windows-phone-8 httpwebrequest httpwebresponse