Top "Httpwebresponse" questions

Provides an HTTP-specific implementation of the WebResponse class

How to read the response stream before the Http response completes

When making a request using HttpWebRequest object, I need to call the method GetResponse() to send the request and get …

c# http httpwebrequest httpwebresponse
C#: "Using" Statements with HttpWebRequests/HttpWebResponses

Jon Skeet made a comment (via Twitter) on my SOApiDotNet code (a .NET library for the pre-alpha Stack Overflow API): @…

c# httpwebrequest using httpwebresponse using-statement
Get HTTP requests and responses made using HttpWebRequest/HttpWebResponse to show in Fiddler

Is there any way I can hook Fiddler up to capture requests and responses made using .NET HttpWebRequest and HttpWebResponse?

.net httpwebrequest fiddler httpwebresponse
powershell httpwebrequest GET method cookiecontainer problem?

I'm trying to scrape a website that has user authentication. I am able to do a POST to send my …

powershell httpwebrequest httpwebresponse cookiecontainer
Is there an enum for the ContentType property on a HttpWebResponse ("text/plain", "application/octet-stream" etc.)?

The closest thing I could find was System.Net.Mime.MediaTypeNames but that doesn't seem to have everything (like json) …

content-type mime-types httpwebresponse
how to write a file object on server response and without saving file on server?

I am using Spring with DWR . I want to return a file object as response , however I save the file (…

java spring httpwebresponse dwr response.write
How do I use HttpClient PostAsync parameters properly?

So I am working on writing an extension class for my project using HttpClient since I am moving over from …

c# .net httpwebrequest httpclient httpwebresponse
How to loop through WebHeaderCollection

How do you loop through a WebHeaderCollection got from HttpWebResponse in windows phone 7 to get keys and values? We've tried …

.net windows-mobile httpwebresponse
HTTPWebResponse + StreamReader Very Slow

I'm trying to implement a limited web crawler in C# (for a few hundred sites only) using HttpWebResponse.GetResponse() and …

c# performance web-crawler httpwebresponse streamreader