Top "Httpwebrequest" questions

HttpWebRequest is a class for .NET Framework applications that provides a HTTP-specific implementation of the WebRequest class.

WebRequest GetResponseStream read bytes

I'm trying to read bytes from an ResponeStream, but how can i say to wait for the data? If i …

c# stream httpwebrequest webrequest
Why does WebRequest timeout always on the first request, but never on any subsequent ones

Having an issue, where calling WebRequest.GetResponse() hangs and times out on the first call, but after the first call, …

c# .net httpwebrequest webrequest
clear cookie container in WebRequest

I'm using the WebRequest object to post data to a login page, then post data to a seperate page on …

cookies httpwebrequest webrequest cookiecontainer
PowerShell Invoke-WebRequest throws WebCmdletResponseException

When executing the line Invoke-WebRequest -Uri PowerShell throws WebCmdletResponseException. How can I get …

powershell ssl httpwebrequest tls1.2 servicepointmanager
HttpWebRequest DefaultNetworkCredentials give error 401

Im trying to request a url that require windows authentication using HttpWebRequest, I was using request.Credential = New NetworkCredential("username", "…

c# httpwebrequest credentials networkcredentials
How to emulate a real http request via cfhttp?

I need to emulate a real http request via cfhttp. I was getting rss feed with ColdFusion, but tonight they …

coldfusion httpwebrequest httprequest cfhttp
Get HTTP Response from a url by using C#

Environment: ASP.Net MVC 4 using C# I need to get image by using GET request to a URL /inbound/faxes/{…

http c#-4.0 get httpwebrequest httpwebresponse
HttpListener - how do I send a WebException HTTP 304 "Not Modified" error back to browser?

How do I mimic a WebException 304 error back to browser if I am using HttpListener? That is I have received …

.net httpwebrequest httpwebresponse httplistener httplistenerrequest
Httpwebreqest works with Fiddler On otherwise Timeout

I am getting a weird error. I have setup a script that works perfectively when Fiddler is open - it …

.net httpwebrequest fiddler
PHP - POSTing XML data using cURL-less http web requests to a gateway

I am trying to find a cURL-less way to POST data via http web request to a 3rd party payment …

xml http-headers httpwebrequest file-get-contents postdata