Top "Httpwebrequest" questions

HttpWebRequest is a class for .NET Framework applications that provides a HTTP-specific implementation of the WebRequest class.

HttpWebRequest chunked/async POST

Hi I want to upload some dynamic generated content to my web api. On the client I use the HttpWebRequest. …

c# asynchronous stream httpwebrequest chunked
getResponse in c# not working. No response coming back

I have this code in C#: HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url); request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; request.Timeout = 30000; request.Method = "…

c# httpwebrequest httpwebresponse
login with VB.NET and httpwebrequest cookiecontainer

I think there is a problem with cookiecontainer (httpwebrequest) there are 2 main functions in my class, first getting a new … cookies httpwebrequest cookiecontainer
HttpWebRequest.EndGetResponse throws a NotSupportedException in Windows Phone 7

in a Silverlight-Windows Phone 7-project I am creating an HttpWebRequest, get the RequestStream, write something into the Stream and try …

silverlight httpwebrequest windows-phone-7 iasyncresult
HttpWebRequest.Headers.Add("Cookie",value) vs HttpWebRequest.CookieContainer

When I get response from HttpWebRequest with HttpWebRequest.Headers.Add("Cookie",value) vs HttpWebRequest.CookieContainer, and results are difference. So, …

c# cookies http-headers httpwebrequest cookiecontainer
HttpWebRequest and WebResponse.GetResponse give incomplete response

I'm pretty RESTless right now because I keep getting incomplete responses from Amazon. I'm using the Product Advertising API, making …

c# httpwebrequest amazon response httpwebresponse
Why We Need to Set Content Type of header request

I want to know that what is content type, why we need to set content type of header request and …

web httpwebrequest content-type request-headers webresponse
Anyone have sample code for doing a "chunked" HTTP streaming download of one web directly to a upload to a separate web server?

Background - I'm trying to stream an existing webpage to a separate web application, using HttpWebRequest/HttpWebResponse in C#. One …

c# http httpwebrequest streaming chunked-encoding
Best approach to Timeout using HttpWebRequest.BeginGetResponse

HttpWebRequest.BeginGetResponse doesn´t respect any Timeout properties from HttpWebRequest(Timeout or ReadWriteTimeout). I read some approaches to get the …

c# asynchronous httpwebrequest timeout waithandle
See HttpWebRequest as string before GetResponse without using fiddler

How can i see HttpWebRequest object as string before calling GetResponse method? I want to see raw format of request …

c# .net httpwebrequest rfc windows