Top "Httplib2" questions

A comprehensive HTTP client library

Including httplib2

So I was having the usual problem with importing httplib2, I came across this and similar answers. But now I …

python google-app-engine httplib2
how to follow meta refreshes in Python

Python's urllib2 follows 3xx redirects to get the final content. Is there a way to make urllib2 (or some other …

python redirect refresh urllib2 httplib2
Python httplib2 Handling Exceptions

I have this very simple code to check if a site is up or down. import httplib2 h = httplib2.Http() …

python httplib2
python, Json and string indices must be integers, not str

I am using Python, and I sent a request to a URL and received a reply using httplib2. The reply …

python json url httplib2
Using Httplib2 on Python Appengine

Why am I getting this error when running my application which is trying to OAuth with Foursquare? import httplib2 ImportError: …

python google-app-engine oauth foursquare httplib2
python httplib2 certificate verify failed

I have tried everything I can find to get this to work... I'm working on a plugin for a python-based …

python ssl httplib2
ImportError: No module named httplib2

I have a Python 2.7 GAE app that already has a lot of functionality. Now I want to integrate with a …

python google-app-engine importerror httplib2
Intermittent "sslv3 alert handshake failure" under Python

I have a REST API written in Java running under JBoss. Recently we updated our JVM from 1.6 to 1.7. This started …

java python ssl jboss httplib2
Permission Denied on httplib2 install

I'm trying to install the httplib2 library for Python so I can use it to interact with the Twitter but …

python terminal httplib2