Top "Http-request" questions

HTTP Request is a message within a request/response sequence, according to HTTP specification.

Unable to locate FromStream in Image class

I have the following code: Image tmpimg = null; HttpWebRequest httpWebRequest = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(url); HttpWebResponse httpWebReponse = (HttpWebResponse)httpWebRequest.GetResponse(); Stream …

c# httpresponse http-request
HTTP status code for unaccepted Content-Type in request

For certain resources, my RESTful server only accepts PUT and POST requests with JSON objects as the content body, thus …

http rest mime-types http-status-codes http-request
how to post plain text to ASP.NET Web API endpoint?

I have an ASP.NET Web API endpoint with controller action defined as follows : [HttpPost] public HttpResponseMessage Post([FromBody] object …

text http-post content-type http-request
Getting HEAD content with Python Requests

I'm trying to parse the result of a HEAD request done using the Python Requests library, but can't seem to …

python head http-request python-requests
Swift: HTTP request with parameters in header

i need to send an HTTP request, I can do that but my API in Backendless requires application-id and secret-key …

swift http http-headers http-request http-request-parameters
How to get form parameters in request filter

I'm trying to get the form parameters of a request in a request filter: @Override public ContainerRequest filter(final ContainerRequest …

java jersey http-post http-request jersey-1.0
Python Bottle how to read request parameters

I am using to display a dropdown with multiple check boxes. <li> &…

python bottle http-request
HTTP pipelining request text example

Below is an example HTTP 1.1 call with a single page requested : GET /jq.js HTTP/1.1 Host: Accept: */* I understand with …

apache http-request http-1.1 php-socket
Send HTTP request from different IPs in Node.js

Is there a way to send an HTTP request with a different IP from what I have in Node.js? …

javascript node.js tor http-request
How to send an HTTP request onbeforeunload in AngularJS?

I have a simple angular app that has two views that are loaded using ngRoute. I need to do some …

javascript angularjs onbeforeunload http-request