Top "Http-post" questions

POST is one of the HTTP protocol methods; it is used when the client needs to send data to the server, such as when uploading a file, or submitting a completed form.

ASP.NET MVC View Model not binding on HTTP Post with DropDownList

I am having an issue that when I post to a controller I lose binding and everything in my view … razor http-post
how to get POST data in django 1.3

Hey, I am following this tutorial to learn to make a wiki page with Django. However, it is made in …

python django http-post django-1.3
Send both POST and GET in a form

I need to make a form send both POST and GET requests (due to some bugs in IE and iframes), …

php html http-post http-get
Android : upload Image and JSON using MultiPartEntityBuilder

I try to upload data to server, my data containing multiple images and large JSON, before it, I Try to …

android json http-post multipartentity
Android - Send Image file to the Server DB

Users save three data: name, note and image. As you can see the code below, I succeeded to code to …

android client-server http-post image-file
how to post plain text to ASP.NET Web API endpoint?

I have an ASP.NET Web API endpoint with controller action defined as follows : [HttpPost] public HttpResponseMessage Post([FromBody] object …

text http-post content-type http-request
Host name may not be null in HttpResponse execute for android

I get the error "Target host must not be null, or set in parameters". I DO have Internet permission in …

android http-post httpresponse illegalargumentexception
Java + jackson parsing error Unrecognized character escape

I need to do a POST json string , using HttpClient. Following will be the code i have. From the other …

java json jackson http-post parse-error
'Length required', when posting data with cURL

I keep getting a <h1>Length required</h1> error, when submitting a post string to a …

php curl http-post http-error
How should I be implementing the HTTP POST Protocol Binding for SAML WebSSO Profile?

I've implemented my Service Provider and Identify Provider following the SAML Profile for Web SSO using HTTP POST Protocol Binding. …

redirect http-post saml post-redirect-get