Top "Http-headers" questions

In the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), HTTP header fields contain the operating parameters of an HTTP request or response.

Send multipart/form-data files with angular using $http

I know there are a lot of questions about this, but I can't get this to work: I want to …

angularjs http file-upload http-headers multipartform-data
Set up an HTTP proxy to insert a header

I need to test some HTTP interaction with a client I'd rather not modify. What I need to test is …

apache proxy http-headers proxypass
Keep-alive header clarification

I was asked to build a site , and one of the co-developer told me That I would need to include …

http http-headers keep-alive
Authentication issues with WWW-Authenticate: Negotiate

I am trying to access a site that is password protected. It is not using basic authentication (even though the …

authentication header http-headers http-authentication
Removing X-Powered-By

How can I remove X-Powered-By header in PHP? I am on an Apache Server and I use php 5.21. I can't …

php http-headers
What exactly does the Access-Control-Allow-Credentials header do?

I'm trying to understand how to use CORS and am confused about what the Access-Control-Allow-Credentials header does. The documentation says …

http-headers cors
differences in application/json and application/x-www-form-urlencoded

What is the difference between request.ContentType = "application/json; charset=utf-8"; and webRequest.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";

json web-services http-headers
Using Axios GET with Authorization Header in React-Native App

I'm trying to use axios for a GET request with an API which requires an Authorization header. My current code: …

react-native oauth-2.0 http-headers fetch axios
Remove http referer

Is it a way to remove or hide http referer information in request header? i want to remove http referrer …

http http-headers referrer-policy
How to add headers to OkHttp request interceptor?

I have this interceptor that i add to my OkHttp client: public class RequestTokenInterceptor implements Interceptor { @Override public Response intercept(…

java android http-headers retrofit okhttp