Top "Html5-fullscreen" questions

The feature of the HTML5 Javascript API that allows for a document element to be displayed fullscreen.

Failed to execute 'requestFullScreen' on 'Element': API can only be initiated by a user gesture

I want to make my HTML5 game go native fullscreen on launch. When I do this with a button onclick, …

javascript html html5-fullscreen
Set attribute mozallowfullscreen or webkitAllowFullScreen in ReactJs JSX

Iam trying to include a Vimeo Iframe in a webpage like this (JSX Code): <iframe frameBorder="0" width="100%" height="100%" src={…

reactjs iframe html5-fullscreen
Old JS Fullscreen code no longer working. "requestFullscreen is not a function" error

EDIT: An answer is accepted below, but for anyone who ends up in my position, the main issue was that …

requestFullscreen is not returning a promise

I'm facing an unexpected behavior and wanted to be sure i'm not missing something before i'm filling a bug. I've …

javascript google-chrome firefox html5-fullscreen chromebug
React web app to launch and request fullscreen on load - edited

I've deiced to reword the question after more hours of attempting hacks and fixes, with no end result. I am …

javascript android reactjs fullscreen html5-fullscreen