html5 canvas - animating an object following a path

Ben picture Ben · Feb 14, 2012 · Viewed 18.9k times · Source

I'm a bit new to canvas and such so forgive if it's a trivial question.

I'd like to be able to animate an object following a path (defined as bezier path) but I'm not sure how to do it.

I've looked at Raphael but I can't work out how to follow the path over time.

Cake JS looked promising in the demo, but I'm really struggling the documentation, or lack thereof in this case.

Has anyone got some working example of this?


Phrogz picture Phrogz · Feb 14, 2012

Use the code on my website from this related question, but instead of changing the .style.left and such in the callback, erase and re-draw your canvas with the item at the new location (and optionally rotation).

Note that this uses SVG internally to easily interpolate points along a bézier curve, but you can use the points it gives you for whatever you want (including drawing on a Canvas).

In case my site is down, here's a current snapshot of the library:

function CurveAnimator(from,to,c1,c2){
  this.path = document.createElementNS('','path');
  if (!c1) c1 = from;
  if (!c2) c2 = to;
  this.path.setAttribute('d','M'+from.join(',')+'C'+c1.join(',')+' '+c2.join(',')+' '+to.join(','));
  CurveAnimator.lastCreated = this;
CurveAnimator.prototype.animate = function(duration,callback,delay){
  var curveAnim = this;
  // TODO: Use requestAnimationFrame if a delay isn't passed
  if (!delay) delay = 1/40;
  var startTime = new Date;
  curveAnim.animTimer = setInterval(function(){
    var now = new Date;
    var elapsed = (now-startTime)/1000;
    var percent = elapsed/duration;
    if (percent>=1){
      percent = 1;
    var p1 = curveAnim.pointAt(percent-0.01),
        p2 = curveAnim.pointAt(percent+0.01);
CurveAnimator.prototype.stop = function(){
CurveAnimator.prototype.pointAt = function(percent){
  return this.path.getPointAtLength(this.len*percent);
CurveAnimator.prototype.updatePath = function(){
  this.len = this.path.getTotalLength();
CurveAnimator.prototype.setStart = function(x,y){
  var M = this.path.pathSegList.getItem(0);
  M.x = x; M.y = y;
  return this;
CurveAnimator.prototype.setEnd = function(x,y){
  var C = this.path.pathSegList.getItem(1);
  C.x = x; C.y = y;
  return this;
CurveAnimator.prototype.setStartDirection = function(x,y){
  var C = this.path.pathSegList.getItem(1);
  C.x1 = x; C.y1 = y;
  return this;
CurveAnimator.prototype.setEndDirection = function(x,y){
  var C = this.path.pathSegList.getItem(1);
  C.x2 = x; C.y2 = y;
  return this;

…and here's how you might use it:

var ctx = document.querySelector('canvas').getContext('2d');
ctx.fillStyle = 'red';

var curve = new CurveAnimator([50, 300], [350, 300], [445, 39], [1, 106]);

curve.animate(5, function(point, angle) {
    ctx.clearRect(0, 0, ctx.canvas.width, ctx.canvas.height);
    ctx.fillRect(point.x-10, point.y-10, 20, 20);

In action: